Sanctuary of Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart Catholic Church
St. James Mission Church

Parish Directory and Ministries

Sanctuary of St. James
If you are new to our parish please register as soon as possible by calling the Parish Office.

Sacred Heart Parish
507 E. 4th Street
Alturas, California 96101
Phone: (530) 233-2119
St. James Mission Church
Bonner and Garfield Streets
Cedarville/Surprise Valley, CA
Parochial Administrator
Parish Staff
Secretary/Bookkeeper - Victoria Larranaga

Bulletin - Yvonne Studinski

Rectory Housekeeping - Teresa Zuniga Collections and Deposits: (various)
Webservant - Yvonne Studinski
Parish Pastoral Council:
The Council's purpose is to plan, formulate policies, and oversee the implementation of the Pastoral Plan and Policies of the Parish for the smooth operation and progress of the Parish. But the Council should always keep in mind the spiritual nature of the Church.
Fernand Larranaga - Chair
Joe Catania
Susie Bunyard
Isidro Chavez
Click here for a copy of the Diocesan Guidelines for Pastoral Councils
Parish Finance Council:
The Finance Council's purpose is to assist the Pastor in planning, finding ways and means to make the Parish financially viable, and develop the annual budget of the Parish. Also, to oversee the financial operations of the Parish.
Tom O'Malley
Mike Martin
John Bunyarad


Liturgy - Pastor
Music Ministry
- Yvonne Studinski
Cantor - George Studinski
Lay Eucharistic Ministry - (vacant)
Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers - (vacant)
Altar Servers -


Religious Education - Kristin Daly
Sacraments Prep (youth)- Kristin Daly
Marriage Preparation - Pastor
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) - Pastor
Vocations - (vacant)


Church & Altar Care - Linda Macdonald
Food Locker for the Poor
- vacant
Liturgical Environment - Kristin Daly, Lorena Torres, Lupita Brambilla
Altar Linens - Wanda Rhoades
Holy Groundskeepers - seasonal volunteers and sponsors for same
Funeral Reception Committee - vacant
Visits to the sick & homebound
- Pastor, Roseanne & Mike Gracza
Parish Advocate for marriage annulment cases - Ronda Gysin; Pastor

Property Custodian - vacant
Church Environment, Repairs & Maintenance - vacant
Youth Ministry - vacant
Young Adult Ministry - vacant

Eucharistic Adoration - Thursday 6 pm - Friday 4:30 pm - Lorena Torres

Annaul Catholic Appeal Organizers - Dolores Turner, Lupita Brambilla

Sacred Heart Website Ministry - Yvonne Studinski


Parish Forms and Documents
Parish Hall Rental Agreement Form
Parish Hall Liability Insurance Form
Parish Registration
Religious Education Registration

Parish Life, History, and Past Events
1993 Pictorial Directory
(4mb download)
Educational and Reference Resources
