Sacred Heart Catholic Church
(Est. 1883)

(Frequently Asked Questions About Catholicism)

Click on links below for answer!

Ash Wednesday - What is the Significance of Ashes on Ash Wednesday? ("Did you Know series")
Beatitudes - What are the Beatitudes?
Belief -
What Do Catholics Believe?
Christian Churches - What Christian Churches are in Union with Rome?
Communion - What are the Guidelines for the Reception of Communion?
Confession - What is the Most Important Thing about Confession?("Did you Know series")
Confession - Why and How Does a Catholic Make A Good Confession?
Easter - Where did the English word "Easter" come from?
"Father" - Why do Catholics call priests "Father?"
Holy Water - What is Holy Water
Knights of Columbus - Who are the Knights of Columbus?
Lenten Practices - Why are Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving Especially Important During Lent? (Did You Know Series)
Life - What is the Catholic Position on Life?
Mass - How do I prepare for Mass?

Mass - What is the Order of the Mass?
Nativity Scenes - Why Do Catholics Display Nativity Scenes?
Non-Negotiables - What are the Five Non-Negotiable Teachings of the Catholic Church?
Penance - What is the History of the Sacrament of Penance? ("Did you Know series")
Religious Statues -
Why Do Catholics Display Statues?
RCIA - What is the RCIA?
Rosary - Why do Catholics Pray the Rosary?
Sign of the Cross - Why Do Catholics Make the Sign of the Cross?
Saints -
Why Do Catholics Pray to the Saints?
Scrutinies - What are the Scrutinies? ("Did you Know series")
Social Justice Teachings - What are the Catholic Social Justice Teachings?
Sponsor(s) - What is a Sponsor?
Stations - Why Do Catholics Say the Stations of the Cross?
Ten Commandments - What are the Ten Commandments

Thanksgiving Prayer - What is the Thanksgiving Prayer?
The Sick - What is the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick About?
Triduum - Why does Lent end at the beginning of the Holy Thursday Mass? ("Did you Know series")

Many thanks go to our sister Parish of St. Isidore, Yuba City for their collaborative help with several FAQs.
