Sacred Heart Parish
Website Ministry

Computer Connections

Our parish's web committee is made up of volunteer parishioners dedicated to aiding our ministries in meeting their missions and objectives in furtherance of the goals of the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB) and the California Catholic Conference of Bishops (CCC) with the use of the media in order to meet three goals, i.e.:

To foster enthusiasm and authentic spiritual growth among individuals in our parish by providing opportunities for interior renewal, conversion, and deeper understanding of the Catholic faith.
To share our faith with all people in our community, whatever their social or cultural background, by inviting them to hear the message of salvation of Jesus Christ so they may come to join us in the fullness of the Catholic Faith.
To foster Gospel values in our community, promoting the dignity of the human person, the importance of the family, and the common good of all people, so that our society may continue to be transformed by the saving power of Jesus Christ.



Vatican City, February 22, 2002,
John P. Foley, President
Pierfranco Pastore, Secretary


To Church Leaders: People in leadership positions in all sectors of the Church need to understand the media, apply this understanding in formulating pastoral plans for social communications together with concrete policies and programs in this area, and make appropriate use of media. Where necessary, they should receive media education themselves; in fact, "the Church would be well served if more of those who hold offices and perform functions in her name received communication training".

This applies to the Internet as well as to the older media. Church leaders are obliged to use "the full potential of the 'computer age' to serve the human and transcendent vocation of every person, and thus to give glory to the Father from whom all good things come". They ought to employ this remarkable technology in many different aspects of the Church's mission, while also exploring opportunities for ecumenical and interreligious cooperation in its use.


To Pastoral Personnel: Priests, deacons, religious, and lay pastoral workers should have media education to increase their understanding of the impact of social communications on individuals and society and help them acquire a manner of communicating that speaks to the sensibilities and interests of people in a media culture. Today this clearly includes training regarding the Internet, including how to use it in their work. They can also profit from websites offering theological updating and pastoral suggestions.

As for Church personnel directly involved in media, it hardly needs saying that they must have professional training. But they also need doctrinal and spiritual formation, since "in order to witness to Christ it is necessary to encounter him oneself and foster a personal relationship with him through prayer, the Eucharist and sacramental reconciliation, reading and reflection on God's word, the study of Christian doctrine, and service to others".

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