P H O T O   A L B U M


Selected History of our Parish Family in Photos


May 26 - First Communion (click here)
Bake Sale and Christmas Bazaar (click here)


Welcome Potluck - Fr. Leatherby (click here)
Easter (click here)
Bake Sale
(click here)
Advent/Christmas (click here)


Ski Trip to Mt. Shasta (click here)
Holy Thursday(click here)

Eastertide - 2009 (click here)
Light of the World Retreat - September 2009 (click here)
CCD - 2009-10 (click here)
Christmas - 2009 (click here)


March For Life - January (click here)
Easter - 2010 (click here)

First Holy Communion - April (click here)
Confirmation - May (click here)
Christmas Bazaar - December (click here)

Christmas - 2010 (click here)



March For Life - January (click here)
Lent/Easter - 2011 (click here)
Paved Walkways (click here)
Christmas - 2011 (click here)



March For Life - January (click here)
Lent/Easter - 2012(click here)
Fr. Bernardin's 16th Anniversary of Ordination- 2012(click here)
Banister Benefit Dinner - 7/25/12 (click here)
Tajci Concert - 11/15/12 (click here)
Christmas - 2012 (click here)


March For Life - January (click here)
Rosary Makers - August (click here)
Roofing Project (click here)
Front Door Project (click here)
Stone Paving Project (click here)
Appreciation Potluck (click here)
Parish Mission with Bill Wegner (click here)
Christmas Bazaar (click here)
Christmas - 2013 (click here)


March For Life - January (click here)
Secret Sisters in Christ (The Big Reveal) (click here)
Easter - 2014 (click here)



Fr. Bernardin Farewell Potluck - July (click here)
Fr. Jhay Welcome Potluck - August (click here)


Easter - 2016 (click here)
Mercy Alive with Bishop soto - 2016 (click here)


Fr. Michael Kiernan Visit (click here)
Fr. Arlon Vergara, new Pastor (click here)
Fr. Arlon Vergara Welcome Potluck (click here)
Christmas - 2017 (click here)


Fr. Ashok Stephen - 21st Anniversary of Ordination (click here)


Rectory Remodeling Project (click here)
First Holy Communion (click here)

Annual Bar-B-Que (click here)
Confirmation Retreat (click here)
Turkey Bingo (click here)
Our Kids Decorating Christmas Tree (click here)


Rectory Bathroom Renovation (click here)
Rectory Prayer Room Renovation (click here)
Ash Wednesday Kids (click here)
Kids at CCD Class (click here)
Kids making crosses for Easter (click here)

Confirmation and Mass (click here)
Seminarian Visit in May (click here)
First Holy Communion - June 11(click here)
Marty Young's birthday party - July 2 (click here)
Rectory Carpet Replacement - August (click here)
Turkey Bingo (click here)
Kids Decorating Christmas Tree (click here)


Easter 2024 Kids (click here)
Spring Cleanup of Church grounds (click here)
First Holy Communion - July 14 (click here)
Turkey Bingo (click here)
Christmas Bazaar (click here)
Our Lady of Guadauple Celebration (click here)


Do you have photos of Parish events that you'd like to share?
Please contact the webservant!
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