(a person never baptized),
Candidates (persons already baptized in another denomination)
and Sponsors:
1st pew -- Merry Corfield (Sponsor Kathy Hassenmiller);
2nd pew -- (Sponsor Macie Larranaga hidden) Collin Martin; (Sponsor
Tony Macera) Karen Knighton;
3rd pew -- (Sponsors Fernand & Victoria Larranaga) Dawn
& Mike Martin
Fr. Jhay Galeon
with the Pascal Candle; altar server Tre Larranaga assists.
& Candidates prepare to receive Sacraments of Initiation.
Fr. Jhay baptizes
Merry Corfield as Sponsor Kathy looks on.
Former Catechumen
and Candidates are now Neophytes!
Fr. Jhay celebrates
the Mass
Back row: Fernand,
Victoria & Macie Larranage (sponsors)
Middle row: Mike, Dawn & Collin Martin
Front row: Fr. Jhay Galeon
Welcome to
the Catholic Church!!
Many thanks
to all who helped transform
this beautiful liturgical space
for the Easter Season.