Upcoming & Ongoing Events

Diocesan Liturgical Calendar


Updated: March 9, 2025

NOW Through
January 2026

(note from Bishop Jaime Soto)

"Dear Friends in Christ,

Please join me in living the Jubilee Year called by the Holy Father, Pope Francis. The Jubilee Year is an opportunity for every Catholic in our Diocese to make real our call to be Pilgrims of Hope in Northern California...."

(Click left on logo for more info.)

February13 thru June 12

Adult Preparation for Confirmation—Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament

Thursdays beginning February 13 - June 12, 2025 - 7:00 - 8:30 pm Adult Confirmation Preparation is offered at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament for any adult (18 years or older) who needs the sacrament of Confirmation. The preparation consists of an excellent over-view of the Catholic Faith, the Catechism, the Bible and the Sacraments.

You can register by clicking left, OR visit https://cathedralsacramento.flocknote.com/signup/193093
Contact Sr. Lisa Marie Doty at 916-444-5364 or slmdoty@cbssac.org if you have any questions.

March 29, 2025

(Click above.)

Young Adult Discernment Retreat — Sacred Hart Parish, Red Bluff

Young Adult Discernment Retreat Ages 18 to 32
One Day Retreat for Women & Men (North Area)

Date: Saturday, March 29, 2025
Location: Sacred Heart Parish, Red Bluff, CA
Time: 3:30pm to 8pm
Cost: $50
Contact: (916) 733-0258 or by email at msmith@scd.org

May 13-23

Greece & the Greek Isles

A Jubilee Year Pilgrimage in the Steps of St. Paul
with your host Fr. Martin Ramat

Visit Athens * Corinth * Mykonos * Ephesus * Patmos and many other sites in the Greek Isles.

For more information, pick up a brochure in the back of the church.

May 28 thru August 1

Totus Tuus Program– Recruiting New Missionaries
Applications are due by February 28, 2025.

Are you a college-age young adult looking for an experience of a lifetime? Consider becoming amissionary for Totus Tuus in the Diocese of Sacramento. Totus Tuus is a summer program experience for young Catholics between 1st-12th graders. As a Totus Tuus Missionary, you will teach, inspire, and have a ton of fun with the youth while working with a team of other missionaries. This year’s summer 2025 program will run from May 28th through August 1st.
Consider applying! For more info, please contact Jen Alcorn (530) 906-8142.


